bustagut1) PEDAL PORKY!
Nothing blasts the love handles like a round of bike crunches, which engage the sides of your abdomen, "obliques” if you want to get fancy. Lying on your back, hands by your ears, bring your bent legs up to 90 degrees. Twist and bring your right elbow up and in to meet your left knee, while extending your right leg. Lower with control, and repeat
with your left elbow and right knee.
12 reps, 3 sets

busta gut 22) IT'S LIKE FLUTTER
Diagonal flutter kicks don't sound very gangsta, but the results will be, if you do 'em right. Lie on the floor, legs straight in front of you. Contract your abs, keeping your head on the floor, and lift your right leg up and over to the left, then lower back to starting position. Repeat with your left leg. Now, go get some crisp wife-bees.
12 reps, 3 sets

KING claims no responsibility for results. But know that suckin' in your gut sucks

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