XXL Eye Candy Classic: Tokyo Yen
It's time once more to step into the way-back machine and check out an XXL Eye Candy Classic, this time starring the gorgeous Tokyo Yen.
She was Eye Candy of the Year of of 2013 and showed how grateful she was for the opportunity with a nice little speech at the beginning of the video above. She thanks her fans and promises them that she won't let them down; a promise that she's definitely kept, as far as we're concerned.
During the shoot, we see her dressed up in some tasteful, yet still incredibly sexy lingerie as she sets off sparklers, even taking a page out of the Katy Perry playbook and having them "shoot" out of her chest. This shoot featured lots of light, silver and glitter, which is fitting for someone we consider a true star of the modeling world. Not only does she model and flaunt her assets in the best ways possible, but this Eye Candy legend can also dance and sports a bit of ink on her body. However you cut it, she's the kind of girl we'd like to get to know on a deeper level.
She's still keeping strong at the modeling thing and, if you're deeply lucky, you'll be able to catch her dancing at fine establishments like the Ace of Diamonds gentlemen's club in Los Angeles, California. Become a fan of Tokyo Yen's on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with her many appearances and to show her some well-deserved love.
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