yungjocymlinside1.jpgBlame the late-night Rocky Road binges. Or those Guinness six-packs. Better yet, blame that metabolism of yours that, with age, has slowed down more than Roger Clemens' fastball. Bottom line: You're not in shape, you're round. But how do you undo years of bad eating, drinking and lifestyle choices? Allow Yung Joc to help tip the scales in your favor. Tom Cruise's favorite rapper dropped 35 pounds in three months by ditching carbs, becoming a gym rat and, most importantly, staying disciplined. (No trendy South Beach Diet, Master Cleanse or Kanye New Workout Plan here!) The payoff is clear. "A lot of women notice it,” Joc says, "and a lot of 'em wanna get closer.” Even though there's now less of you to go around.

Health Is Wealth
If gambling can make even jai alai interesting, then it can add incentive to dieting. So make a wager. "Block Entertainment, we all just made a bet,” Joc says. "We started dieting, eating like five times a day, exercising three to four times a week.” At the end of the competition, Joc collected $1,000 each from his CEO, manager and manager's assistant. That next round of veggie burgers is on him.

All You Can Eat
Rush Limbaugh was on to something: Eating five or six meals a day is actually good for you. "The key is to keep your metabolism going,” Joc explains. "For breakfast, oatmeal and juice. Around noon, grilled chicken breast and salad. The meal after, tuna that comes out of the water. Later, grilled chicken breast, broccoli and string beans.” And leave the booze to Amy Winehouse.

No Fun and Games
Like his effortless (read: simple) rap style, Joc sticks to the basics at the gym. "Weights and curling. I [started out] with 20 pounds; now I'm gonna curl up a 90-pound weight. And crunches—you have to do crunches,” says Joc, who recommends getting a trainer. "Do cardio every time you work out. Just stay on the treadmill and work your way up. I would run for 20 minutes.” What about yoga, Pilates or capoeira? "No weird shit.”

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